Thursday, November 13, 2008

MomDot Blog Party - Day 1

Okay, so I am a day behind, but I figured I'd go ahead and do my post anyhow. So, for all of you who don't know, MomDots Blog Party going on From Nov 12th-Nov 27th. Every day during this time, they will bring a holiday question for us to answer. IT's all ending in a huge drawing with lots of prizes at the end of the months. Anyhow, here's the first question and the sponsors and VIP blogs for the day:

Sponsors: Day One Blog Party Question is Brought to you by La Belle Toile and This and That by Randi

VIP BLOGS to visit are Parent Reviewers , Mom Most Traveled, Mommy Zabs, MomStart, HipposToes, Run DMT


Introduce us to your family and share Holiday pics of years past

Well, I have two baby girls and am married to my wonderful husband, Nathan. Christmases for us tend to be pretty hectic. All our family (including all grandparents) lives about two hours away and so, we make the drive and spend the holidays with everyone. It can be pretty hectic. Both my daughters were born on December 21st. They were born two years apart, but those Christmases were even more hectic than usual. I had c-sections with both of them but we still made it in to visit family. Like I said...interesting. Well, here are some pics:

Christmas eve (our first night home with our first baby).

My oldest in her little hospital Christmas hat.

This was last year's thank you note to everyone.


Staci A said...

What sweet photos! They are precious!

Sandy said...

Wow, two birthdays on Dec. 21! That is so cool! Cute kids!

Cat@3KidsandUs said...

Aww what a great Christmas present that was.

Unknown said...

Little Sis missed being born on her sister's 3rd birthday by 2 days! I love that they're so close, we can do big things for their birthdays. I'm dreading when they start wanting seperate ones!

Beautiful babies!

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

How wonderful! It's so great when they are that close!

Thanks for the pics!