Monday, January 31, 2011

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mmmm...Chicken Bone!

Emmie loves Bono's!!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Fun Day at Chic-fil-a!

Since we moved back to town, we have been spending most of our Fridays out with my mom. The girls love getting to see their Grammy! Today, we went to Chic-fil-a and the girls got to play on the playground and eat some yummy chicken! Emma's eye balls were as big as saucers the whole time. She is still not a fan of going out in public! She yells at people whenever they talk to her. Which is a lot. She is a cute little baby after all!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Silly Baby Girl :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hangin' with the Aubs

We were keeping sweet little Miss Aubrey today while her parents were working. I decided we needed to send her momma a picture of her so she could see her while she was working. Is she not the cutest little thing? We had so much fun with her!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Little Mommas

My silly girls cracked me up this morning. We were headed out the door and they both HAD to pack their diaper bags for their babies! Little mommas. The best part is them complaining about having to carry around all this stuff for their precious babies...what little nuts!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Deember on Facebook

December 2: Would someone kindly explain to Emma that 2:30 is not the time we get up from our afternoon nap? She is about an hour early.

December 3:
The cold weather is making me want to just burrow into a nice warm blanket and stay there all day! Unfortunately, my children have other plans :)

December 6:
has a sick little Ava Bug :( But, on a positive note, Emmie is offically sitting up! Not rolling over yet, but sitting up :)

December 7:
So cold...I am such a lightweight...good thing I live in FL...except, it's actually not that much warmer here right now :(

December 9:
Got a pool table last night and, it is absolutely hilarious how excited my husband is about it.

December 10:
Knows the Ava Bug must not be feeling so great when she agrees that she needs to go take a little nap. Poor little thing :(

December 10:
LOL! Lily just got spit-up on. Her reaction was awesome. She must have jumped 5 feet high!

December 11:
Just had the rainbow birthday party ever for my sweet girls! It was so much fun! Now, time to get ready for the office Christmas party! Busy, busy!

December 12:
Ava is feeling a little dramatic today. "You never listen to me, Lily! No body listens to me!"

December 14:
Can someone please tell me why Emma is soooo mad at her bottle?

December 16:
Thinking of a special family today. Lots of thoughts and prayers going out to Rebecca, Jake, and Grant Tillman.

December 16:
Ava: "A" is for me!

December 18:
Starting to get the throat drip. Ick. Please, don't let me be sick for Christmas!

December 19:
Hehehe...I have a silly hubby :)

December 19:
My super duper, uber cute, and just all around awesome niece is one today! Happy birthday sweet Miss Aubrey! And congrats to her parents for making it through the first year!

December 22:
For those of you who watch the Imagination Movers - Lily: I think Warehouse Mouse is a stuffed animal...or, maybe, a baby in a suit.

December 23:
So proud of my Ava Bug. She told us yesterday that since she was three she could sleep at night without a diaper and not have any accidents. She did it!

December 27:
So glad I took the time to sit and snuggle all three kids and the hubs while watching Despicable Me. So silly to think I should be cleaning instead of loving on those sweet little things :)

December 30:
Lots of sick girls around here...this one included. Let me just say ugh...

December 31:
Goodbye to a very crazy year! We graduated dental school, welcomed a new baby, bought our first house, Lily started school, and Nate started his career! Whew! I am tired just thinking of all that craziness! Hoping for a slightly less eventful year in 2011 :)