The church where we go to MOPS has a pumpkin patch set up for Halloween. I took the kids out there today after the meeting and we got some cute pumpkin pictures. Lily thinks the pumpkins are so cool. They also have a bounce house and some little games set up. Lily loved the bounce house. Ava thoroughly enjoyed all the hay laying around...yum!

I couldn't get them to look at me...smiling was out of the question.

There's a smile, but sissy was in la-la land...so, she's cut.

But, that's okay, because how cute is this smile?

And, of course, here are Lily and Madison. They are so cute!

Ava had a lot of fun playing in the pumpkins.

Lily kept this very serious face the whole time she was in the bounce house. I think she was a little nervous because of all the other kids.
I don't know if you can hear it in the video, but she was singing this silly little song the whole time she was bouncing. You will probably just hear my talking to two other little kids that decided to tell me their names.
We also went a Fall Festival at our apartment. It's something they do every year and it is always a lot of fun. Various organizations and clubs around campus set up tables and do games for the kids and give out prizes and candy. There are all these college students in costume running the games and everyone from the Housing Villages comes out to play and eat pizza.

This game, Monster Mash, is a musical chairs type game, but you don't remove a chair. When the music stopped, the lady chose on of the images and whoever was standing in front of that image won. Well, after the first round that Lily played, the lady running it helped her to get in front of one of the images and told her to stand right there, so when the music started again and the other kids started moving, Lily just stood there. Ava and I had to jump in for the next few rounds until she got the hang of it.

Here she is once she got the gist of the game. The bag she is carrying had all her candy and goodies in it. She would not put it down.

Here she is getting her face painted. She got a pretty little princess crown painted on her cheek.

Here she is doing the cake walk with her friend Sienna. Thank goodness, there was a helpful college student handy to show her how this one worked!

This one was Lily's favorite game. You had to dig through the slime to find 3 squishy eye balls. She loved it. She came home covered in slimey green ooze.

Lily trying to learn the "Thriller" dance.

Lily showing off some of her prizes, gotta love the neon pink vampire teeth.