I got this cute picture of Ava on Tuesday. Nathan's brother Vashii had to come to Gainesville for work and was super sweet and took us out to dinner! The kids were really good and they were so cute playing!

So have I mentioned that I am loving the cooler weather? 62 at night 83 (at the hottest) during th day! I love it! Now, if only I could find someplace that it stays like this year round...if only. We have been out and about. We went for a great little walk Wednesday night around Maguire/ UVS. Much fun. Except, Lily had a little potty accident. She's been having a lot of those lately. Not sure what the deal with that is...

So cute! I love how perfectly her hair flips! I wish mine would do that!

I love her face in this one. She looks so pleased with herself!

Ava was not too impressed by the slide.

Nope, Dad, still not liking it.

She looks petrified here, but she was actually having a really good time!

Nose shot! Lily, really, you do have to back up!

Hey! Mama actually made it into a picture (with no make-up or anything)!

Awllll...Daddy took a cute picture!
Yesterday morning, we decided we needed to get out and about, so we invited our friends Kim and Madison to go on a little adventure with us. We started with a lovely walk down to Lake Alice to feed the turtles.

Here is Mr. Soft-Shell Turtle eating Parmesan Ritz crackers. Yummy!

And, here is Mr. Alligator coming to eat...

...Mr. Soft-Shell Turtle!

Oh, look, Mr. Alligator has a friend! Great! Let's go tot he playground...
Well, since Lake Alice was a little more, um, Animal Planet than we had intended, we decided to head to a nearby playground and let the kids burn off some steam. Lots of fun was had by all!

We kept trying to get them to go down at the same time, but they just would not cooperate for the cute photo-op :)


Here I go!

There's Madison!

There's Lily!

They had more fun swinging on that bar! Silly girls!
Once the kids started to wear down a bit, we decided to head over to the Butterfly Museum. It had been awhile since we had been and the kids had a great time. I think it was probably the best trip we have had there. Minimal melt downs and no complaining about wanting to go home. I even actually got to read some of the info about the exhibits!

Lily found this map of the museum and decided to act as our unofficial tour guide. She carried around the whole time.

Just follow me guys!

Here are the girls checking out the bronze baby sea turtles.

And, here's Lily kissing one...yuck...

The cave was a LOT of fun! Check out those eyes!

Peeking at the diorama.

Ava got very sleepy (check out the red-rimmed eye balls), but she enjoyed her bottle and really didn't fuss much at all.

Alright, Lily, how do we find the butterflies?

She was checking out the huge koi here.

Awllll! Madison is such a little sweetie! She seems to enjoy "Baby Ava."

Whew...time for a rest!

Where to next, Sissy?

My little beauties.

The butterflies were out in full force. This one looks like it is attacking Madison.

Okay, Mom, maybe we should ask for directions...

Dancing...with no music...ahhh, to be two years old.

Now, that is a serious hug!
We had a great time with our friends and it was nice to get out and have a little mini adventure!
Oh, and I had to include this one. Ava is trying to catch up to Lily in the mischief-making category. This is chocolate-chip cookie. Lily opened the container and then gave it to Ava. Silly monkeys!

Oh, and in case you guys missed it, please, read the article I put in the post before this. It is so crazy.